Wenn will my order be sent and delivered?
Products are sent from our warehouse in the Netherlands with PostNL. If you are not at home, the carrier will try it again later. It is usually possible to choose your next delivery time on the website of the carrier.
If you are not at home on a second attempt, the carrier will take the order back and you can pick it up at the nearest pick-up point of the carrier.
If the product is in stock, it will usually be delivered to you in the Netherlands the next working day, but in any case between 1 and 3 working days. Within the Europe (EU countries), you must take into account a delivery time between 3 and 5 working days. Outside Europe and non EU countries, delivery can vary between 1 and 3 weeks. This depends on the time within which the goods are released by customs.
We send orders by registered mail. You will always receive a shipping confirmation. You will also receive an email with a link ('track & trace') so that you can track your order yourself.
How much are the shipping costs?
These are calculated automatically in your shopping basket.
- Belgium and Germany: € 9,95:
- EUR1 countries: € 12,95
- (Denmark, France, Monaco, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom*, Sweden)
- EUR2 countries: € 19,95
- (Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia)
- EUR3 countries: € 19,95
- (Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Ukraine, San Marino, Turkey, Vatican City, Belarus, Switzerland)
- World (other): approx. € 24.95 (exact costs depend on region and weight)
Additional customs charges may be charged for shipments to the UK!
This can amount to 25% of the purchase amount. These costs are for your own account. If you want to cancel your order? Please contact us immediately. It is not possible to cancel your order after shipment. After 4-6 working days you can track the status on your order on Parcel Force (use your track & trace code to follow your parcel). Your parcel is being held in our delivery depot awaiting payment of customs charges. You will receive a letter outlining the charges and how to pay. To speed up the process, please contact Parcel Force as soon as your parcel is on the depot.
I have not received my order. What should I do?
Please contact us in the following cases (see contact details):
- If you do not have a track & trace code and you have not received your order within 7 days after the shipment confirmation.
- If you have received a track & trace code, but if it no longer shows any further information or progress (the status remains unchanged).
- If according to the track & trace code the package would have been delivered, but you did not receive it.
What we do:
We contact the carrier and request for an investigation. The investigation can take a few days to a couple of weeks. If the investigation shows that the package was lost during transport, we will send you a new product free of charge as soon as possible.
If we cannot deliver the product (not in stock) or if you no longer wish to receive the product, we will refund the purchase amount to your bank account.